FOR ZIMBABWE AND AFRICAN CITIZENS – CAMBODIA Easy and Simple Cambodian Visa – Cambodian Visa Application Center – Cambodian Visa Chikumbiro Center yeVashanyi uye Bhizinesi Visa

Cambodia inogamuchira vashanyi vanobva kunyika dzese kuti vashandise Electronic Visa kana eVisa kana vachibva kunyika dzeVisa Yemahara. eVisa inoshanda kune vagari venyika idzodzo vari Visa-Yemahara. Unogona kuwana kupinda kwemazuva anosvika makumi matatu muCambodia neCambodia eVisa kana yeElectronic Travel Authorisation, izvi zvinoita kuti Vashanyi vashanyire shamwari, mhuri kana nzendo pfupi dzebhizinesi kuenda kuCambodia. Zvese zvinodiwa zviripo online. Iyi Mvumo yakakosha inosungirwa kupinda muCambodia. Ne eVisa yeCambodia, haufanirwe kushanyira Embassy yeHumambo hweCambodia, kana kutora chitambi chemuviri papasipoti. Iyi inzira inokurumidza, yakapusa, iri nyore yekuwana vhiza yemagetsi neemail. Chengetedza email yemvumo yeCambodia yemagetsi Visa yawakagamuchira neemail uye wonanga kuairport. Iyi yakapfava, uye yekushushikana yemahara nzira inogoneka neiyo online maitiro. Dzingangosvika zana nemakumi mashanu nyika dzinokodzera kushanyira Cambodia paeVisa. Kana iwe uchida kushanyira Cambodia kwemazuva anopfuura makumi matatu, ipapo uye ipapo chete iwe unofanirwa kunyorera yenguva dzose yevashanyi Visa yeCambodia kumumiriri. Pasipoti yako inofanirwa kuve inoshanda kwemwedzi mitanhatu panguva yekupinda muCambodia uye kubhadhara kwako kunogamuchirwa cambodian vhiza neDebit kana Kadhi rechikwereti. Nyika dzinotevera dzinobvumidzwa pakati pedzimwe dzeCambodian Visa Online. Unogona kutarisira eVisa yeCambodia kuve yakagadzirira mumazuva matatu ebhizinesi. Cambodia welcomes visitors from all countries to apply Electronic Visa or eVisa if they are from Visa Free countries. eVisa is valid for the citizens of those countries who are Visa-Free. You can gain an entry to up to 30 days in Cambodia with Cambodia eVisa or an Electronic Travel Authorisation, this enables the Tourists to visit friends, family or short business trips to Cambodia. All the requirements are available online. This is an important Permit which is mandatory to enter Cambodia. With eVisa for Cambodia, you do not have to visit the Embassy of Kingdom of Cambodia, nor get a physical stamp on the passport. This is indeed a fast, simple, convenient method to acquire electronic visa by email. Keep the approval email of Cambodia electronic Visa that you received by email and go straight to the airport. This simple, and stress free approch is made possible by the online process. Almost 150 plus countries are elgible to visit Cambodia on eVisa. If you want to visit Cambodia for more than 30 days, then and then only you need to apply regular tourist Visa for Cambodia at the embassy. Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry in Cambodia and your payment is accepted online by Debit or Credit card. Following countries are allowed amongst others for Cambodian Visa Online. You can expect eVisa for Cambodia to be ready in 3 business days.

Address : 3 Norfolk Road, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe

Phone : +263 4 338 800

Email :

Website :

Category : Electronic Visa

Business Hours : 24/7/365

Business Logo : Attached

Owner / Official Contact Name :Bopha Dara Amara

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